Summer Fashion Guide: How to Wear Color #7 Lilac Grey

Posted by ClipOnEarrings CHIC on

According to New York Fashion Week, Vogue and the Huffington Post - This Summer's #7 color is Lilac Grey.  While grey is to be expected on the runway and well grey, what makes this color distinct are the lilac tones that give a touch of warmth, making it a Pantone Top 10 Color and perfect for Summer...


Summer 2016 Fashion Trends Color #7 Lilac Grey


"It is no surprise Lilac Grey makes its way into the Pantone Top 10 Colors for Summer 2016.  One only has to look to designers such as Celine, Emporia Armani and Carven to fall in love with this as a cool yet warm shade.  It captures the traditional mingled with the futuristic, feminine woven with masculine - and demonstrates just how color can push our boundaries of perception.  I have chosen a few looks to show you who to dress like a celebrity, get the Malibu beach vibe, or who to perfect the West Hollywood evening chic.... enjoy viewing these looks you will love"
Alanya Grace


Discover some of the top picks in Lilac Grey for Summer 2016 and learn how to accessorize with and wear this shade...


Summer 2016 Summer Fashion Trends Color #7 Lilac Grey
Summer 2016 Summer Fashion Trends Color #7 Lilac Grey
Summer 2016 Summer Fashion Trends Color #7 Lilac Grey
Summer 2016 Summer Fashion Trends Color #7 Lilac Grey
Summer 2016 Summer Fashion Trends Color #7 Lilac Grey
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Wisdom is like sweet honey to your soul, if you find it, you will have a future and sustenance even in the most difficult of times...