4 Things We LOVE About Coconut Oil

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4 things you need to know about coconut oil

To help you understand the benefits of coconut oil, we've outlined four essentials about it.

In the past few years, many have hailed coconut oil for its various health benefits, some of which only recently come to light. With so much information floating around about the super food, it's easy to be misguided about what it actually is and what it can do for you. To help you understand the benefits of coconut oil, we've outlined four essentials about it:

  1. It's changed a lot

Tom Brenna, a professor of nutritional sciences at Cornell University's College of Human Ecology told the Huffington Post that not all coconut oils are the same. He explained that the coconut oil used in the production of junk food in the '80s is much different than the coconut oil available now. Virgin and refined coconut oil have been studied for their effects on human health and are very different than the unhealthy, highly-processed version that was once met with overwhelming criticism.

  1. It could help the fight against Alzheimer's

One study found that coconut oil can protect cortical neurons in mice, giving researchers an idea of how it could be used in the fight against Alzheimer's. While these findings require further study, a 2004 study published in the journal Neurobiology of Aging found that the MCTs in coconut oil helped patients with mild Alzheimer's improve brain function. So, at the very least, coconut oil can benefit cognitive function.


4 things you should know about coconut oil

As a moisturizer, coconut oil can benefit people with conditions such as dry skin and acne.

  1. It has cosmetic benefits too

While internal health is obviously important, coconut oil can also help with some more cosmetic concerns. Because of its vitamin E content, coconut oil makes a great skin moisturizer. A 2004 study published in the journal Dermatitis discovered that the use of coconut oil could increase the lipid content and moisture of people with dry skin. Some dermatologists theorize that it could benefit people with skin conditions like acne, eczema and psoriasis.

  1. It can ward off infection

The lauric acid in coconut oil is believed to be beneficial against fungal, viral and bacterial infections. Adding coconut to your diet could help with indigestion, according to Dr. Joe Alton in an interview with Medical Daily. It could also kill pathogens like staph infections.