Color for Health — birthstone

5 Things About September's Birthstone Sapphire

Posted by ClipOnEarrings CHIC on

Birthstones are more than gorgeous gemstones associated with a particular month of the year. Each stone is know to have beneficial health and spiritual effects for the wearer and a deep significance with its association with each particular month.   Discover 5 things you probably didn't know about September's birthstone - the Sapphire     1. Ancient Origin   Did you know that birthstones are not a modern notion but have their ancient origin in the breastplate of Aaron, each of the 12 stones worn by the High Priest represented a particular tribe of Israel. 2. Name - Dear to Saturn Sapphire...

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5 Things About July's Birthstone Ruby

Posted by ClipOnEarrings CHIC on

All about July's Birthstone Ruby

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5 things you need to know about amethyst - February's birthstone

Posted by ClipOnEarrings CHIC on

  Birthstones are more than beautiful gems associated with the 12 months of the year.  Birthstones are precious gemstones imbued with deep spiritual significance and healing powers.  Worn in their particular month the healing benefits are believed to be intensified.   For example, Amethyst is know as the stone to help keep us true to our convictions.  Perhaps you need a little strength and courage in your life?  Discover how this stone could be the perfect addition to your jewelry box or most thoughtful gift for a loved one.     Ancient Origin – birthstones date back to the breast plate of Aaron representing the twelve tribes...

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5 things you need to know about garnet - January's birthstone

Posted by ClipOnEarrings CHIC on

Birthstones are more than beautiful stones associated with each month of the year.  Did you know that the gems we wear to signify our birth month have their ancient origins in the breast plate of Aaron, 12 stones signifying the 12 tribes of Israel?  These stones are linked with the astrological cycle and legend has it that wearing a gemstone during its assigned month heightened the healing and therapeutic benefits.   Let this year be your year of learning and come on this journey with us as we explore all 12 birthstones and how each can benefit you or a...

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